Does Any Of This Sound Like You?

"These debt collectors keep calling at all hours and I'm afraid to answer my phone!"

"I can't believe I just got paid today and I'm already broke with two weeks to go until next payday!"

"Oh my God, I forgot about that bill and I don't know where I'm going to come up with the money to pay it!"

"I can't believe I was denied credit again!"

"I just can't seem to figure this money thing out."

"I know I make enough money, I just don't know where it all goes."

If you've felt any of the above things before and still can't seem to get a handle on your money, then you need my help.

SMART Money Makeover is an intensive, year-long program that gives you the financial peace of mind you crave and the financial confidence you need to plan the life of your dreams.

The core of the program uses weekly 90-minute sessions where I take you through a series of lessons that cover:

  • Your money personality and how and why you spend how you spend, then we put strategies in place to fix what's wrong and replace it with what works
  • A deep dive into your current financial situation so you lift the financial fog and understand what you need to do to get where you want to go.
  • We will also cover, budgeting, saving, paying off debt, investing, insuring, giving, leaving a legacy and putting habits in place that keep you going over the long haul.

The format extends over one year and this is how it works:

  • 8 weekly 90-minute 1-1 zoom coaching sessions.
  • 4 additional months of check in sessions, each 45 minutes long and occurring twice each month
  • Then another 6 months of weekly group Q & A sessions

By the end of this program you will be able to:

  • Quit stressing over money and bills
  • Plan your money each month instead of wondering where it goes
  • Put a plan in place to become debt-free
  • Manage credit wisely
  • Regain your peace of mind
  • Plan for the future with confidence

You will get these transformational results and so much more. But don't just take my word for it.

Real People, Real Results

Laura Hanson Raneri, Beach Body Coach, San Ramon, CA

"We have weekly zoom meetings and he is such a trustworthy, honest person and just very conscientious about giving me the information I need about my finances and budgeting. So I just cannot speak highly enough about Forrest and what he's been doing for me. I know that he would definitely be able to help you as well. Contact him and let him know that you want his help too!"

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you have shown up for all your sessions and done your assignments and you are still unsatisfied with your coaching and your results at any time within the first 30 days, I will be happy to refund your purchase.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.